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'Esther The Musical' Comes Alive At The Potterhouse School


We've all, at one point or another, heard the story of Esther. It is the story of an orphaned Jewish girl, who was raised by her cousin Mordecai, and who eventually rises to becomes the Queen of Persia. 


Esther became queen soon after Queen Vashti disobeyed King's Xerxes commands. Xerxes divorced Queen Vashti and called for a royal beauty pageant. Esther, who kept her Jewish identity secret, gained favor in the king's eyes.

We soon learn that Esther was not only beautiful but very wise and courageous. She discovers that her people are to be annihilated by royal decree. Esther ends up in a dilemma: will she take care of herself or will she take care of her people whose survival seemingly rests on her shoulders?

Esther the Musical came alive at the Braeburn Theatre (Garden Estate)  this weekend and all in attendance got to experience this captivating Broadway-style musical. Potterhouse students played the different characters in the musical and their exceptional talent in music, acting, and dancing is something to write home about.

We particularly loved Haman's performance and we're definitely looking forward to more similar productions. Were you in attendance? What was your favourite thing about the musical?

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